Mel's Heart

My thoughts about God, living for Him, being a writer, wife, mom, and child of God

Thursday, April 27, 2006

an ordinary day and thankfulness for no more foot pain

This morning was chilly and rainy and I had stayed up late...a great day to stay home. So I did. I haven't done that much lately. Last fall when I was writing I was home a lot, so this year I've been out and about more. I had a long quiet time, praying, reading my Bible, and reading old journals, which are my prayers and writing ideas and Scriptures I like.

I was reading one of my journals from 2002, and it reminded me how different my life was then. Scott has lost his USAirways job and the future was uncertain, we had to sell a house i loved, I was a preschool asst. teacher - definitely not what I was called to be! And one of the things I haven't written about was my constant foot pain.

I've had feet problems for over ten years. I had one foot operated on, afer trying many other treatments. The treatment worked on that foot, but then about a year later the other foot started hurting. It's plantar fasciitis in case you've ever heard of that. Basically, it's pain on your heel that really never goes away. So I tried cortisone shots, orthotics, a new treatment about a year ago called shockwave. It was helpful but didn't take much of the pain away.

For years now what I can do physcially has been limited by my foot pain. It has made walking for exercise impossible and even daily chores like cleaning the house were difficult. I really could not be on my feet more than an hour, had to wear nerdy shoes, just hurt all the time,gained weight, blah blah

Well, my friend Mandy just happened to mention that she'd been seeing a chiropractor, it had helped with some foot problems she'd had... Then I went to my family doctor to beg him for another cortisone shot. He said, Melanie, you've had this for years. Why don't you just try the chiropractor. So I did. And Oh my it has worked! My foot pain went away in about two weeks. Not totally all the time but most of the time my foot doesn't hurt.

I don't want to take that for granted! thank you God! I've been taking walks, I can shop more - hee hee. And that pain is just not dominating my life.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Emma Ate My Bible

She sure looks sweet, and she is but...
In case you haven't read a previous blog about our nine month old purebred yellow lab, I'll give you a recap.

Jenna is the perfect yellow lab which we rescued from the pound about three years ago. She is truly the smartest and most loyal dog I've ever known. She cost $79.

Then someone in the family really wanted another dog. I'll just point out that someone was not me. So we got an adorable yellow lab puppy and named her Emma. She is a purebred from a kennel. Way too expensive. And then she had a defect, she was a lemon, and needed surgery. I can't even say the amount. Let's just say I could have had quite a wardrobe with that surgery money.

To keep it short she has been a challenge. I'll give you an example.

A little while ago I came home one day to discover Emma had chewed Genesis right out of my Bible. That's right. Genesis. Actually it was just chapters 1 - 17. So could I live without these words of God? I decided no I could not, so I brought a brand new leather covered Bible, exactly like my old one.

Last week I left the dogs inside instead of putting them outside where it was thundering and lightening. Even though we have a covered back porch, I knew they'd be scared in a storm, so I left Jenna in the house, and Emma locked in her kennel inside.

When I came home later, I saw shreds of paper and leather in the dining room. Emma had eaten my Bible. That's right. She ate it. All that was left of a big fat leather bound Bible was a few shreds. And it was my new Bible, not the one from which she'd already sampled Genesis.

Hmmm... we're still waiting for her to quote Scripture.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Book Update

Here's the Cover! I've actually had the cover for a while, had to get used to it. Now I like it, wasn't so sure at first. I'm now listed on - thanks Kim for letting me know about that! and I'm listed under Harvest House Publishers' authors. I got a birthday card from them today. Very nice, very encouraging. It's fun to be a part of them! They are a very supportive and encouraging publishing house.

This week I have some publicity stuff I have to write up for them. And the publishing date is still July 1st.

Saturday, April 15, 2006


Last night we all went to bed early - just felt like we needed to catch our breath! God refreshed both me and Scott last night, sat outside this morning - a gorgeous spring morning. There's an old farm behind us, and to some it might seem junky, but to me it is beautiful. I love old barns, old farms. There's lots of cats and i can see the old man who lives there every now and then. My mom painted a picture of his barn and we went over ther last Christmas and gave it to him.

So thank you, Lord, for refreshment this morning. Now we're going to do a little yard work and go to our friends' lake house for the day.

Thursday, April 06, 2006


This morning I spoke at my friend Lisa's Bible study class, a marriage class I was in last fall. It was such a great Bible study, such an encouragement in my marriage. Such a sweet group of women who truly have sought God in their marriages. They let me practice on them this morning. Thank you friends.

I just listend to my tape - the first time I've taped myself. Well, it was okay. Heard too many "ums." I've given a couple of other talks on marriage, but this particular talk was new, one I definitely felt God lead me to give, on "stinkin' thinking," lies we believe in marriage. I love the topic because understanding how to be free from believing lies in my marriage has truly transformed my marriage.

As for speaking, it's still a challenge, keeps me totally dependent on God. I am sure this is something God has called me to do. In fact three years ago I began to sense a call on my life, wasn't sure what it was, but gradually figured out that it would involve speaking/teaching. And then I got the book contract and that confirmed it. I actually had panic attacks - yes, real ones, not just feeling scared - over the thought of speaking. But God has continued to walk hand-in-hand with me, and I want to be obedient to Him in this area.

So I've had some small speaking gigs, and I can say that the fear has subsided and I've even enjoyed it! Please pray for me in this area!

Pure Heart and Bad Cooking

"God, the Father, is so interested in me – not because I’m so great – but because he wants to see in my life that His Son did not die in vain. It blesses God to know that I DO consider Jesus my hero, that I am grateful every minute of every day for His sacrifice.

For me, to live IS Christ.

How about you?

©2002 Rhonda Webb"

I found this quotation on a speaker's website and it just lept off the page and into my heart. As I pursue this still very new journey of writing and speaking, I want to have a pure heart,a heart that wants to do only what God wants me to do and one that wants only God to have the glory.

Truthfully, though, I'm so excited I wrote a book and that my dream came true. Yes, I definitely know that God orchestrated the book and inspired me as I wrote. I continue to pray every day that my readers' marriages will be the ones to benefit from my book and that it will point readers to know how much God loves them.

But then back to me, hee hee. See, I have been an "all-about-me" girl for much of my life (are you reading this, chere!)

So I continue to hold loosely to the blessings in my life and to hold tightly to the hand of Jesus.

And God gives me plenty of opportunities to remain humble.
This is just one little example.

I am not a good cook. I have many excuses, chief of which i've always had a traveling husband, why cook a full meal for me and the kids, and then when he does get home he's tired of eating out big meals, blah, blah, blah.
Well my friend marybeth (see her great blog at has great, easy recipes sometimes on her blog, so i decided to try one.

This is the recipe - put boneless chicken breasts in the crockpot, pour over it barbecue sauce, cook on low. Then shred chicken for barbecue sandwiches.
Okay, can't get much easier. Well, it was dry as sawdust. No one would eat it. Scott tried to doctor it up some. I said to him, "It's awful, isn't it?" He agreed, then I got mad at him.

That's me and cooking right there. Keeps me humble.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Spring has sprung

Finally it's warm here in Charlotte! We've got the windows open, we've been for walks, Scott worked in the yard, we're talking about flowers to buy...

This beautiful painting is by my mom. Isn't she talented? She did this painting for me for my bday last year, as she knows I love flowers and pink! So this painting is in my pink room, my guest room.
(by the way - I downloaded this photo all by myself, quite an accomplishment!)

God knows we need and love new beginnings. He created the seasons, a day and night so we could start all over the next day. He says many things about newness in His Word.

Lamentations 3:22, 23 The Lord's lovingkindness indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; Great is your faithfulness!

2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away behold, new things have come.

Isaiah 43: 18, 19 “’Do not call to mind the former things, or ponder things of the past. Behold I will do something new, now it will spring forth; will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.’”

These are some of my absolute favorite promises! What new thing does God want to do in your life? If you have any other verses about newness, let me know and I'll post them.