Mel's Heart

My thoughts about God, living for Him, being a writer, wife, mom, and child of God

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Oprah and Proverbs 31 and Southbrook Church

My friends were on Oprah this past Monday and I still cry just thinking about it.
It was an extraordinary family show - and 5 friends from here were featured because they've all adopted Liberian orphans. For anyone wanting more information about this story/adoptions/Proverbs 31 - I want to give you some info. Our church here in Weddington, NC where many, many families have adopted Liberian orphans.

Proverbs 31 Ministry - see the link on the sidebar - this is the ministry I speak for, the ministry that Lysa TerKeurst is the President of. Also, Marybeth Whalen on my sidebar speaks for P31.

Mark's blog - Mark, married to Cindy, is one of the Dads who was on the show and his blog is listed on my sidebar.

One of the things that Mark said has stayed with me - and made me cry!
He said something like this - So many people tell us what a great thing we did by adopting, but what they don't know is the blessing is all ours.


The most awesome thing about the show is that God was mentioned over and over and over - more than I think anyone hoped for. And God kept up with the surprises - Lysa's book is on the website! I think you go to books mentioned in shows, or something like that.

Also, the Proverbs 31 website has a place where you can click if you want to know more about Jesus and indicate if you became a Christian and lots have!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

What's Happening

I haven't been blogging much, have I? I'm going to get back into at least my weekly routine.
What's been going on here is just the usual stuff - basketball, school, dogs, scott's schedule is getting busy again.

As for me, I'm going through the weirdest nonwriting stage. I mean that is really weird for me. I am usually always writing something - at least in my journal, or a blog, or an article, or a devotion. I've actually been pretty frustrated, and I'm just praying through it. My friend Marybeth, a writer and fellow Proverbs 31 speaker, said the wisest thing - maybe I shouldn't fight where I am, or feel frustrated. She said she's learning that there's a reason for those nonwriting phases. Maybe what I would write at that particular time I'm just not ready to write. Maybe God has more to teach me about that subject. I loved that advice! So wise!
It reminded me of something I read by Don Miler - live what you write, or better yet, write what you live.

Last week I went to visit my friend Lisa Whittle, a writer and speaker who I met through She Speaks last year. While I'm mentioning She Speaks, this is Proverbs 31's annual speaker/writer conference held the third weekend of June - click on Proverbs 31 on the sidebar and then you can find the She Speaks link. This conference is really expanded this year - sessions for speakers, writers, and what's been added this year is a track for teens and a track for women's ministry. Wow! I've been to She Speaks three times and I feel passionate about it because it's very much where God confirmed my calling to write and speak. The strength of the conference is that it's like a spiritual revival. It's just incredible to be around like-minded Christian women. I highly recommend it! Email if you have any questions.

Okay, back to Lisa. She's got a book coming out this month and she's waiting to hear from a publisher right now about another two-book contract. Oh, waiting is so hard! So we talked about writing some and I shared with her some book ideas. Then that night I sent these ideas to my publisher. Now I'm waiting to hear what they think. If they like something, then I'll have to write a proposal, and then I'll have to wait on their response to that. I'm definitely ready to write another book, so please pray that my ideas will be accepted!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Friends on Oprah

Hi Friends - I hope you'll watch several friends of mine from church on Oprah on 1/29. How exciting!

Dear Friends,

We wanted to let all of our faithful devotional readers know that Lysa TerKeurst, President of Proverbs 31 Ministries, will be on the Oprah Winfrey TV show on January 29th to share the amazing story of adopting her two sons from war-torn Liberia, Africa. Please join us as we pray that Oprah and her millions of viewers will see God’s hand in Lysa’s story; that seeds will be planted and His mighty Kingdom will increase; and that, above all, God will be glorified!

One person truly can make a difference. If you would like more information on adopting children in Africa, please visit

If you are interested in helping children in Africa through sponsorship, Proverbs 31 Ministries has partnered with Compassion International and supports their humanitarian efforts in Africa and other areas of the world. For more information on sponsorship, visit Compassion International.

We treasure your friendship and prayers!

Proverbs 31 Ministries

Friday, January 19, 2007

Proverbs 31 Ministry

Hi friends, My devotional is published today through Proverbs 31 - check on the link on the sidebar.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

not just a cold

Okay, the cold I thought I had is not just a cold; it's the flu. Yucky. I've never had it and it just makes you think you've missed a few days of life. I've been sleeping pretty much since Thursday pm. But if I had to get it was a good time to get it because Scott was in town and he's held down the fort.
We're looking forward to new tv shows starting - Scott loves 24 and i like american idol.
Okay, that's pretty much all I have to say. Yes, i'm soliciting sympathy. And I'm really not as shallow as this blog entry makes me seem.:)

Friday, January 12, 2007

Bad Mom Award

Tyler brought to school a book which he got from his Mimi - I think- for Christmas. It's called There's a Hair in my Dirt. It's written from the viewpoint of a worm and has all sorts of scientific stuff written in a fun way.

Well, Tyler came home yesterday and the first thing he pointed out to me was the bad word in the book. It's the "a" word. Oh my. I had no idea it was in there. Really. Fortunately, his second grade teacher is an angel with a sense of humor, so hopefully she won't hold it against me. We blacked out that word with a black sharpie. Hopefully there's no more.

I have a bad, bad cold. Gotto go sit on the couch. Taking lots of medicine.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Speaking of writing, here's a book update

My book What a Husband Needs from His Wife Total Sales (since June 2006): 12, 141.

I have no idea if that's good - although my sweet editor tells me it is! Sounds good to me:) Yahoo!

About writing

Before I write about writing I'll start with a few words about the weekend. This weekend Scott and Tyler had so much fun in Minnesota. They saw relatives, friends, and Tyler got to do some things he can't do in Charlotte - like gathering eggs from Linda's and Harold's chickens. I'm so thankful for all of our relatives in Minnesota, wish MN wasn't so far away. I'm also so thankful for the time Scott and Tyler had together. They are two peas in a pod and just had fun together. I was really missing them both by Sunday pm.

As for me and Zach we had a really great weekend. Yes, quiet. Zachary spent a good deal of his day Saturday and some of Sunday at the Union Academy gym being the substitute "commissioner" in Scott's absence. Zach is as much a basketball fanatic as Scott. He's also extremely responsible and loves being in charge of the gym! He did a great job. .
That left me with a lot of free time. I went shopping at South Park Mall Friday with my good buddy Karen Rinehart- see her listed on my sidebar. She's an awesome columnist - "Bus Stop Mommies" is her "handle." She writes about every day life with great, great humor. I didn't buy anything but she did and that was fun.

I saw Zachary for about an hour and then he had plans with his good buddy from UA. So I had the whole night free. Normally, I would have made plans with a girlfriend, but I decided to use the time to write - and I did! I wrote some more on Saturday when Zach was at the gym. I went to see my friend Mandy's new horse - loved that! and then Sat. pm Zach and I ordered pizza and watched a movie. I love hanging out with that boy.

A friend recently asked me how I write. Well, I had to think about it - but this is generally what I do. I pray, read Scripture, take notes as the Holy Spirit leads me to Scripture about the topic I'm considering. I might read a book by an author who inspires me - lately I've been reading about Grace, a book by Joyce Meyer. She is a great teacher of the Word and that's what I really love.

And then I sit at the computer - and write! I used to write with pen and paper, but after writing my book, I am totally a computer writer. I love the ability to revise easily, cut and paste. On that note if I'm working on anything significant, I print it out, even a rough-rough copy, and/or I save it on a memory stick. I've had some mishaps with losing stuff and don't want that to happen again.

And then I go do some laundry, take the dogs for a walk, sit outside if it's pretty, just do something else for a bit just to refresh my brain.

And then i go back to the computer. And write. And write. If you want to be a writer, you have to make time to write! You have to say no to many, many other things. I did that when I was writing my last book - a deadline will make you very motivated! - and I'm getting back into a more serious writing mode now. For me, writing is very much a thinking and praying and writing process.

i know that I know that this is what God called me to do. and there truly is no greater feeling. I love "partnering" with God as I write. that's how I think of it. Sometimes I'll go back and read something i've written, and think wow, I like that! And I know that the Holy Spirit really was working through me then. One of my prayers for speaking/writing is John 14:10 "' I do not speak on my own initiative; but the Father abiding in me does His works.'"

Sometimes I get in an incredible zone and the words flow freely. Other days it is pure obedience to sit at this computer and just put some words down. Either way - I love it!

Check out Marybeth's Blog - see my sidebar - she wrote some similar things about her calling to speak and write. One of the things that Marybeth and I both do is to constantly take notes on ideas. I have a pad of paper in my purse, a journal by my quiet time spot, and a computer file started on each writing idea. I have learned that I generally don't remember an idea unless I write it down. This really helped when I was writng my book. I was able to pull from my journals and files I'd already started.

So there's some ideas on writing. Mel:)

Friday, January 05, 2007

Tyler and talking

Scott and Tyler left yesterday for a trip to Minnesota to see the relatives. They were both so excited about it being just the two of them. When Zachary was younger, he and Scott went to Minn. several times, so now its Tyler's turn.

Tyler woke up and I swear THE MINUTE he opened his eyes he started talking. Now, if you know tyler, that's no surprise! but this was a lot of talking even for Tyler! He was still talking as the two of them headed out the door that morning.

I was giggling so hard! Scott's eyes were bloodshot from not sleeping very well and all I could think is they were going to have a long day! But I talked to him later and they were both doing great. Scott is truly one of the best dads in the world. I got a keeper in him:)

As for me and Zach -wow, it's quiet around here! and we're enjoying it! I had almost the whole day to myself, and it just feels so different not having to think about tyler. I'm really trying to use this time to enjoy hanging out with Zachary, pray, study the Word, exercise - as I mentioned in my previous post were some of resolutions. Okay, and shop some.

And it's going well with those resolutions - yes, I know we're not far into the year at all, but I am concentrating on one day at a time. I'm also trying not to have an "all or nothing" mentality, esp. when it comes to exercise. Some days I may just walk the dogs, but that's better than no exercise at all! Right?!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Happy New Year

Sorry to have been gone so long from my blog. Just needed a break... family has been sick... holidays have been know! You've probably experienced much of the same.

For Christmas we went to my parents' beautiful new mountain house in Cashiers, NC, where we met my folks and my brother and sister in law. We had so much fun - hiked in the woods with the dogs, played lots of games. We have three favorites - Dutch Blitz, Apples to Apples and Catch Phrase. We all love games and now it's fun that Tyler can really keep up with us!

Scott introduced a new tradition which he learned from Linda - thanks Linda! - a ginerbread house making contest. He bought all the supplies, we divided into teams and went to work. I do think they were all creative in their own way. The basketball court came from the Chitwood boys; the redneck one from the creative O'Stubbs minds came with a still and an outhouse; and mom and dad and i did the best we could:) it was so much fun and definitely a tradition we'll continue.

Scott has been home a lot - I'm sooo thankful for that. We've had a break from basketball, and yes I'm thankful for that too, but we'll start again Sunday and I'm really ready. Thank you, Lord, for a change in attitude. Scott explained his basketball love in a way I could really relate to. He said just like I need things to look forward to - time with friends, reading, shopping - and these different things refresh me. Well, that's basketball for him. Okay:)

New Year's Day night all four of us went to the Charlotte Bobcats vs. Minnesota Timberwolves games. Kevin Garnett is one of the best basketball players ever, and one of Zachary's favorites, so it was fun to see him and to see Z. enjoy it. Aren't you impressed with my basketball knowledge:) hee hee - I am.

As for resolutions - yes I make them and I'm not legalistic, just like to have goals.
Exercise regularly
Eat healthy
Study God's Word
Write (thinking about a new book proposal)

Today I'm going shopping with Scott for clothes for Scott - that's a rare occasion!