Tyler and talking

Tyler woke up and I swear THE MINUTE he opened his eyes he started talking. Now, if you know tyler, that's no surprise! but this was a lot of talking even for Tyler! He was still talking as the two of them headed out the door that morning.
I was giggling so hard! Scott's eyes were bloodshot from not sleeping very well and all I could think is they were going to have a long day! But I talked to him later and they were both doing great. Scott is truly one of the best dads in the world. I got a keeper in him:)
As for me and Zach -wow, it's quiet around here! and we're enjoying it! I had almost the whole day to myself, and it just feels so different not having to think about tyler. I'm really trying to use this time to enjoy hanging out with Zachary, pray, study the Word, exercise - as I mentioned in my previous post were some of resolutions. Okay, and shop some.
And it's going well with those resolutions - yes, I know we're not far into the year at all, but I am concentrating on one day at a time. I'm also trying not to have an "all or nothing" mentality, esp. when it comes to exercise. Some days I may just walk the dogs, but that's better than no exercise at all! Right?!
Hey girl - my husband and son do the same thing - trip just by themselves. It is a great thing for them. Now i just have to work in trips with the girls too. Or how about just the wife. hee hee
Miss you not being real close even though i didn't see you mcuh...
Happy New Year. Leigh
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