Happy New Year

Sorry to have been gone so long from my blog. Just needed a break... family has been sick... holidays have been busy...you know! You've probably experienced much of the same.
For Christmas we went to my parents' beautiful new mountain house in Cashiers, NC, where we met my folks and my brother and sister in law. We had so much fun - hiked in the woods with the dogs, played lots of games. We have three favorites - Dutch Blitz, Apples to Apples and Catch Phrase. We all love games and now it's fun that Tyler can really keep up with us!
Scott introduced a new tradition which he learned from Linda - thanks Linda! - a ginerbread house making contest. He bought all the supplies, we divided into teams and went to work. I do think they were all creative in their own way. The basketball court came from the Chitwood boys; the redneck one from the creative O'Stubbs minds came with a still and an outhouse; and mom and dad and i did the best we could:) it was so much fun and definitely a tradition we'll continue.
Scott has been home a lot - I'm sooo thankful for that. We've had a break from basketball, and yes I'm thankful for that too, but we'll start again Sunday and I'm really ready. Thank you, Lord, for a change in attitude. Scott explained his basketball love in a way I could really relate to. He said just like I need things to look forward to - time with friends, reading, shopping - and these different things refresh me. Well, that's basketball for him. Okay:)
New Year's Day night all four of us went to the Charlotte Bobcats vs. Minnesota Timberwolves games. Kevin Garnett is one of the best basketball players ever, and one of Zachary's favorites, so it was fun to see him and to see Z. enjoy it. Aren't you impressed with my basketball knowledge:) hee hee - I am.
As for resolutions - yes I make them and I'm not legalistic, just like to have goals.
Exercise regularly
Eat healthy
Study God's Word
Write (thinking about a new book proposal)
Today I'm going shopping with Scott for clothes for Scott - that's a rare occasion!
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