Mel's Heart

My thoughts about God, living for Him, being a writer, wife, mom, and child of God

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

This Week

As my friend Catherine says, life is rich and full...

1. Last Saturday I spoke at my church's Christmas Tea. This is the first time Southbrook had this event and it turned out so great! Each table has a hostess who is in charge of decorating her table in a Christmas theme, so each table was just unique and beauitful. I was so honored to speak, very emotional speaking at my own church, a place i've loved for 8 years, and just looking out at so many people who have been such awesome friends. I was more nervous for this event than any event I've ever done! Thank you to those of you who prayed for me!

2. Then I raced to pick up Tyler for his guitar lesson! He got an early Christmas present of a guitar and is taking lessons from a former neighbor, Garrett Osepchuk. I think he's going to love it!

3. Then I went with Mandy to the 91.9 Christmas concert - New Song, Todd Agnew, and Rachel Lampa sang and it truly was one of the most worshipful events I've ever been to. I lucked out because Mandy's husband Butch was out of town, so i got to be her date. I will definitely make plans to go to this next year, that's how good it was! I introduced myself to Joe Paulo, whom I had emailed about my book because the Vaughans told him about it. And then Mandy introduced me to Leslie and I gave her one of my books. just figuring the more hands it's in the better!

4. Zachary's first basketball game of the season was Sunday and he scored 19 points - yahoo!

5. Then just playing catchup this week, doing some writing, got a cold, scott's been gone but got home last night.

6. Wednesday I went to Concord to see my good friend Karen, my college buddy. We had fun as always. She has the biggest live Christmas tree I've ever seen in a house!
Next week I fly to Tampa for a tv interview about my book - i'll post more about that later, just please pray that God will get the glory and that my book will get in the hands of those who need it. I was worried about who would babysit overnight - and Karen's going to do it! Her kids are older, so she can spend the night here Weds. and that will just ease my mind so much!

7. And finally I'm praising God for these book sales: 2025 books sold in November, for a total of 10,501 in the six months your book has been out.


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