Merry Christmas from the boys and girls

Here's Zachary and Tyler with the ever-present dogs, Jenna and Emma. We're all looking forward to school being out - zach gets out friday, tyler next weds. We need some hangout time and some not getting up in the morning time!
Today I fly to Tampa for my tv interview! Tyler is sick, so please pray for him. It's so awesome that my good friend Karen is staying with the kids. I'm not very relaxed about leaving the kids, but I feel totally confident that she can handle anything! I'll actually do the interview tomorrow betweeen 10 and 11. It will be taped - not sure when it will be aired but I'll keep you posted.
Then Friday I was going to go to Atlanta but decided not to. Just too much going on. I miss my friends there and it was going to be so much fun to have all that time with Amy... another time. Scott and I will go to some Christmas parties and basketball games this weekend and I'm really hoping he'll have some days off next week. I miss him...
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