Bear One Another's Burdens

Galatians 6:5 says that "each one will bear his own load." So we each have individual responsibilities - for example, today i am doing mounds of laundry, which is my responsibility primarily, even though the family does help. I swear the boys would wear dirty everything before it would occur to them to do laundry..
But Galatians 6:2 tells us "Bear one another's burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ." So there's also a time when we can ask for help from others.
So I was thinking about that today and I just felt so thankful that I have neighbors who are true neighbors in every sense of the word. We help each other out all the time.
This Thursday I woke with a start, we were late getting up, it was pouring down rain, and the power had gone out. So Tyler and I were searching the house for a working flashlight, and Tyler came to the rescue with his very own flashlight! He threw on his clothes, we realized he'd missed the bus, so I ran across the cul de sac with him through the rain, banged on Suzanne's door, yelled frantically - can you take tyler we missed the bus - threw him in Suzanne's house without even waiting for an answer - ran back home to shower in the dark and get zachary up.
I was rushing like a crazy woman because it was my carpool morning and I am already notoriously late. Plus on Thursdays I just stay at zach's school to tutor. So we rush to Holly's wear I put on my makeup and blow dried my hair - and we made it!
So today I'm thankful that I have friends in my neighbors who help bear my burdens.
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