Mel's Heart

My thoughts about God, living for Him, being a writer, wife, mom, and child of God

Thursday, September 28, 2006

i've been busy

HI friends, I haven't blogged in so long so I wanted to at least put a little note on here today.
Today I am so thankful for this beautiful fall weather - I actually have a sweatshirt on!
Today I am thankful that I feel full of the Holy Spirit, so I'm having a great morning of writing!
Today I am thankful that Zachary is home for fall break through next week, so we'll get some hangout time together.
Today I am thankful that my sweet husband Scott got to spend time with our friends the Wassers while he was in Colorado on a business trip. I think he's ready to move!

Okay, and the thing i'm really thankful for because it just makes me happy to watch - now don't laugh too hard - is the tv show Dancing with the Stars. I looooove that show. I am such a dancer wannabe. That first week when Emmett Smith did so well, I played the tape of that over and over. It just made me happy! So at this point with three weeks down, I'm still a fan of Emmett...

I'll write more later - melanie and by the way the clock on my computer will not stay on the right time so no, it's not 5 am!


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