Middle School

Zachary started middle school, sixth grade, on Monday at a year-round public charter school called Union Academy. This school has a great reputation as being friendly and academically challenging. We decided, with zach's agreement,to put his name in the lottery, he got on the wait list, but then later got in, and now.... zachary's not thrilled with the whole thing.
So much of what he's feeling is from the newness of middle school - lockers, uniforms, changing classes - but some is from going to a different school without the people he's known for the past six years and none of his best buddies. Of course, now he thinks that everything would be better at the regular middle school.
Our approach right now is to pray, to listen, to encourage Zachary to give it time, and for me, his mom, to try not to cry! There's such a strong part of me that just wants to swoop into his life and make everything feel better. But i know, just as God knows in each of our lives, that the easy, comfortable way is often not the way God chooses for us. I am sure this is a time of building zach's character. More than I want him to feel good, I want him to be a young man who learns to rely on the Lord, who trusts his parents because we've prayed for what's best for him. A young man who trusts God, who looks around him and befriends others who are lonely or hurting.
okay, God, and I really just want him to like middle school at least some point this year!
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