Long Time and She Speaks
It feels like a month of Sundays since I've posted on my blog. So much has been going on... kids got out of school and we've had lots of days with boys in and out of the house. I'm working on redoing the downstairs, so had to make some decisions about that, went to the She Speaks conference - more about that in a minute - and tomorrow we leave for a week in Maine. I'll take my computer with me, so I'll blog about that while in Bar Harbor...
About She Speaks...
She Speaks is the annual writers and speakers conference put on by Proverbs 31 Ministries (go to proverbs31.org for more info on them) This ministry is near and dear to my heart for many reasons - one reason is that they published an article I wrote on marriage, this was seen by a publisher who called me, I submitted a book proposal, it was accepted and published as What a Husband Needs from His Wife. It's in the book stores July 1st!
So this conference is awesome. I'll just go ahead and say right now, if you're interested in writing or speaking - go to this conference. Next year they'll have a women's ministry track, so if you're in your church's women's ministry - this will be awesome!
But honestly, the best thing about this conference is the spiritual impact. God shows up there in a big way! There is something about being with 300 like-minded women, women who love God passionately and who seek Him and who want to know and respond to His calling on their lives, that is so powerful. It was 3 years ago when I went on the writer's track, before I even had an inkling of what God was about to do in my life with writing, that I knew that I knew God was calling me to write and speak for Him.
One of the blessings this year was going with three of my best buddies, Holly, Mandy and Kelly. Oh what fun we had! We laughed, prayed and got tired together - not a whole lot of sleep at these conferences! Not to mention other good friends like MaryBeth,Lysa, and Renee there, also. Oh how blessed I am with women friends who love you and purseue you, Lord!
Got to go shower as the painter's coming...more on this later.
Psalm 31:19 How great is your goodness which You have stored up for those who fear You.
Hi Melanie, Thank you for BEING such a huge encouragement to me during SheSpeaks. You were Jesus w/Skin On and I thank you. I will be praying for your book & mentoring as I believe you really have a lot of wisdom and compassion to offer young marrieds, almost marrieds, hope-they-someday-get-marrieds, and thinking-I-have-a-lot-to-learn-'fore-I-get-married :) Many blessings to you! Jenny
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