Blogging Break
Hi Friends and Family, Thank you for reading my blog over the past year or so. I'm taking a break, mainly so I have time to work on other things. One day I'll return, and I'll let you know. Blessings - melanie
My thoughts about God, living for Him, being a writer, wife, mom, and child of God
Hi Friends and Family, Thank you for reading my blog over the past year or so. I'm taking a break, mainly so I have time to work on other things. One day I'll return, and I'll let you know. Blessings - melanie
I have my husband back! hee hee Basketball for Scott and the boys was officially over MOnday pm when Zach's All Star team came in second place. We all wish they had won. But mostly I'm glad it's over. It exhausted all of us and challenged our marriage. Scott's being a coach and age commissioner for the community basketball league was more time consuming than we anticipated. He did a great, great job. I love to see Scott in action because his passion is youth sports and he is truly so great with kids. Such a motivator and encourager.
I was blessed yesterday by two things. First, I went to a Bible study group in Indian Trail. They had just finished doing the study at the end of my marriage book. So we just talked and I just shared some of the things God continues to teach me in marriage. They were such a fun and loving group, a group of women so obviously seeking God. So in doing ministry I was blessed. And you know, I've been so busy that just for a moment I had thought about not going. I'm so glad that I did, however, because it was such a great feeling knowing that the book I wrote helped women in their marriages.
I've been having fun with my relatives. My sister Natlie and her daughter Christi and her son Matthew came into town Saturday. Of course, we immediately were off to a basketball game, All Stars this weekend. I'm glad they got to see Zachary play. That was special. Christi is so fun and so grown-up - driving in just a few weeks. She and Natalie are starting a cleansing fast - does not sound like fun to me! But I admire them!
I got so many supportive phone calls and emails after sending out a big prayer request last night. I had just hit the wall - tired, Scott leaving all week, basketball practice every night, speaking Weds. - and then Tyler woke up sick and the doctor said expect him to be out all week. Poor guy - and poor me:) is how I felt last night.
1. Tyler talking with a lisp because he's missing his two front teeth