Mel's Heart

My thoughts about God, living for Him, being a writer, wife, mom, and child of God

Friday, February 02, 2007

Snow Day

We got real snow in Charlotte! About two inches. It was so pretty. Since I grew up in south Florida, snow is still a big, big thrill to me! The kids got to stay home from school and the best part was that Scott was off work, too. Thank you, God! Tyler and the dogs immediately went out to play in the snow. It was fun to see all the neighborhood kids having snow ball fights and building snowmen.

One of the best parts of the day was just sitting on the couch and catching up with my husband. What a wonderful man I am married to. It is such a huge blessing in my life to be married to someone who is my best friend, who shares the same goals and priorities, someone who loves God and loves me and the boys.

One of the things we've been talking about some over the past year is Scott's love of coaching and working with young people in basketball. He is just so good at it and has such a passion for it. He is one of the commissioners for our community league and he helps coach at Zach's school. He loves doing that, but sometimes he wonders about going back to teaching and coaching. We were both teachers for many years so we know that along with some great days of feeling like you're really having an impact on young people, you have just as many ordinary days where you think what am I doing? Maybe God has gifted him this way to raise up our two sons, and just to do the other stuff part time.

And the other thing is he loves being a pilot and he has an awesome job with a great company. So we're just praying and he said he's just being still and waiting to hear from God.
psalm 46:10 Be still and know....

As for me and my dreams - I really want to continue to speak more, to write another book - hopefully I'll hear back from Harvest House soon about some book ideas. When I am writing and speaking for God, there's just a sense of rightness that feels better than anything else i've ever done.

So it was fun just to catch up with Scott and to talk about our dreams and to pray. We took the new truck out in the snow later and went out to dinner. There was not a soul on the roads! I love the way the South shuts down for a little snow. To Scott who's from Minnesota it's pretty funny.


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