A Clean House

This little picture cracks me up. It says, "I dreamed my whole house was clean." It is on a notepad that my friend Donna included wtih all my very nice Christmas presents.
I really like a clean house. Not a perfect one, by any means. Just cleaned up and tidy. Quite often I wish the cleaning fairy would come. Then I would just wake up and the house would be clean.
Saturday morning I woke up early, finished writing, and then started cleaning and then Scott helped me for hours. There is something about my husband sharing that load with me that just meant so much to me. I didn't need a cleaning fairy!
The truth is it feels rewarding to work hard and then have a great final product to show. That holds true with cleaning and my book. I sent the last 20 pages on Saturday. Thank you for praying! It felt harder to write those pages than writing the whole rest of the book!
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