Mel's Heart

My thoughts about God, living for Him, being a writer, wife, mom, and child of God

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

The eyes of the Lord

2 Chronicles 16:9 The eyes of the Lord search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him.

This verse has been on my mind for about a month now. I can just imagine God's eyes searching to and fro, and then stopping as He finds what He's looking for. Oh how I want His eyes to rest on me. What will he find when He sees me?

Will he see me fully devoted to Him as I work around my house - laundry, cleaning the floors, cleaning the bathroom are just a few things I need to do around here.

I think about being with my kids. What does He want to see me doing with them? Just being with them with undivided attention is often all He requires of me. I think about my temptation to multitask at all times! Today I'll really concentrate on giving Zachary and Tyler my full attention, even if they want me to watch them play Playstation!

Will He see my heart fully committed to Him as I write, as I help out a friend, as I interact with my husband?

This verse reminds me to be purposeful about all things. Everything we do has a spiritual aspect to it and can be done to glorify God. Even walking the dog. I can't help but mention that Emma is now going to have an operation in each shoulder, costing an amount I never thought I'd spend on a dog!

One part about this verse that stands out is why God is looking for a heart fully committed to Him. So He can give us His strength. Not so he can judge us or condemn us or find us lacking, as we mistakenly think sometimes. No, He wants to strengthen us. Thank you, God, that You are always for me.


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