Mel's Heart

My thoughts about God, living for Him, being a writer, wife, mom, and child of God

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Little Treasures

Little things matter. I have in my purse a purple stone given to my little guy Tyler. Tyler likes treasures of all sorts, much of which I would consider trash, but this purple stone came from his precious rock collection. He knows I like purple, so he gave it to me. It reminds me of him and makes me smile when I see it.
There's so many little things I love. I'll list some, and maybe you'll be inspired to think about the little things that tickle you.
Crayola crayons in the 64 color box with sharpener
programable coffee pots, so the coffee's ready when i get up.
little boys who think burping and farting is the funniest thing ever
snow globes
cards my kids make me
old books that i read and read when i was young
gerbera daisies in bright colors
okay, on colors... pink
watching tv with my hubby
leaves that change color in the fall
laughing really hard
30 degree weather
diet coke in a can
And little things matter to God. God tells us in Luke 12:7: "Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows." I am so valuable to God, so treasured by Him, that He knows every inch of me.
I think also about the loaves and fish that the came from a little boy's lunch in Luke 9. Jesus fed thousands with just the little bit a small boy was willing to offer. What little thing am I willing to offer to God to see Him multiply?


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